Our services

On the basis of our many years of specialist medical experience, we offer the following specialist consultation hours, in addition to a comprehensive paediatric basic care.

From mid-October we will be offering influenca-vaccinations for adults and children.

Specialist consultations

  • Paediatric sonography: Examination of the infant hip, of the skull through the open fontanelle,  of the abdominal organs, kidney and urinary tract, internal genitals and the limbs (also as fracture diagnosis instead of X-rays)
  • Development diagnostics and clarification of learning, performance and behavioural disorders, including ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) / ADHD (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder)

Specialist areas

Vaccinations and vaccination advice
Assessment of growth and development

Clarification and treatment of

  • General health disorders
  • Infections
  • Skin diseases (e.g. eczema, acne)
  • Emergency paediatrics
  • Orthopaedic abnormalities
  • Lung diseases, Asthma
  • Allergies

Advice on

  • sleep disorders
  • Eating disorders, overweight
  • Mental and psychosomatic abnormalities and difficulties
  • Behavioural and school problems, including ADD with/without hyperactivity
  • Sex education and prevention
  • Travel advice


  • Wound assessment and wound care
  • Injuries to the locomotor system
  • Assessments and treatments of fractures


  • Spirometry
  • Resting ECG
  • Performance diagnostics
  • Basic evaluation of allergies
  • Ultrasound diagnostics, including hip ultrasound
  • Basic examination for eyes and hearing
  • Tympanometry

emergency service

In case of a life-threatening emergency contact the 144 emergency services directly.

In other medical emergencies outside the opening hours of the practice you can obtain
medical information on 0900 008 008 (CHF 3.23/min.) and, if necessary, be sent directly to
the emergency pediatrician in the emergency practice of the Zug Cantonal Hospital.