Contact details

You can reach our practice by phone mondays to fridays from 8.00 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. and from 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.

Please do always call us for appointments.

The phone hours between 8.00 and 9.00 a.m. are intended for urgent medical inquiries.
On Saturdays, we operate an emergency consultation for our patients between 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m., alternating with the Zuger Kinderarztpraxis.

We are happy to help you!

Baar Children’s Pratice

Rigistrasse 15
6340 Baar
Telefon 041 761 10 73


    How to reach us

    Due to the heavy traffic in our region, we would recommend that you travel to our practice using public transport.

    Parking spaces are available in front of the practice or in the Oberdorf Centre (Coop)


    Our practice is wheelchair accessible.  Please advise our practice assistants correspondingly on arrival.  We will show you the way to the lift.


    Our practice can be reached in 10 minutes by foot from the Baar railway station. Otherwise there is the regular No. 4 bus line (Büelplatz), as well as 3 and 34 lines (Oberdorf Centre)

    Emergency service

    In case of a life-threatening emergency contact the 144 emergency services directly.

    In other medical emergencies outside the opening hours of the practice you can obtain
    medical information on 0900 008 008 (CHF 3.23/min.) and, if necessary, be sent directly to
    the emergency pediatrician in the emergency practice of the Zug Cantonal Hospital.